EQL Pharma Investor Relations

How EQL Pharma is Governed

The company is a Swedish public limited liability company and is regulated by Swedish legislation, primarily the Swedish Companies Act and the Annual Accounts Act. Since the annual general meeting 2021, the company has on a voluntary basis started to implement the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”), which applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are listed on a regulated market in Sweden.

Upon a listing on Nasdaq Stockholm, the Company will fully apply the rules set out in the Code, Nasdaq Stockholm’s Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares and observe good practice in the stock market. However, the company does not have to comply with all the rules of the Code as the Code itself allows for deviations from the rules, provided that such possible deviations and the chosen alternative solution are described and the reasons for this are explained in the corporate governance report (according to the so-called “comply or explain” principle). Any deviations from the Code will be reported in the company’s corporate governance report. However, in the first corporate governance report, the company does not have to explain a deviation due to non-compliance with rules whose application has not been relevant during the period covered by the corporate governance report.


Axel Schörling

President and CEO

Alexander Brising

Chief Commercial Officer

Cornelia Lindström

Reg/QA/PV Director

Carl Lindgren

Chief Business Development Officer

Henrik Nilsson

Chief Quality Officer

Read more about the Management


Christer Fåhraeus

Chairman of the Board

Anders Månsson

Board member

Per Ollermark

Board member

Per Svangren

Board member

Linda Neckmar

Board member

Nikunj Shah

Board member

Read more about the Board