EQL Pharma Investor Relations

EQL Pharma AB has been approved for listing on Nasdaq Stockholm

Nasdaq Stockholm’s listing committee has today announced that it considers that EQL Pharma AB ("EQL Pharma" or the "Company") meets the applicable listing requirements and that they will approve the application for admission to trading of the Company’s shares on Nasdaq Stockholm Main Market subject to customary conditions being met, including the approval and registration of a prospectus by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Sw. Finansinspektionen) and the fulfilment of the distribution requirement for the Company’s shares. The first day of trading on Nasdaq Stockholm is expected to be Thursday 4 July 2024 and the last day of trading on Spotlight Stock Market is expected to be Wednesday 3 July 2024.

The first day of trading on Nasdaq Stockholm is expected to be 4 July 2024. Due to the listing, EQL Pharma will be de-listed from Spotlight Stock Market and the last day of trading on Spotlight Stock Market is expected to be 3 July 2024. Shareholders of EQL Pharma will not need to take any actions in connection with the admission to trading on Nasdaq Stockholm.

CEO Axel Schörling comments: ”A listing of the Company’s shares on Nasdaq Stockholm is an important step in EQL Pharma’s continued development and gives the Company further access to the Swedish and international capital markets. EQL Pharma has been listed on Spotlight Stock Market since 2013, but we believe that the listing of the Company’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm will increase the conditions for broadening our shareholder base and give the Company access to additional international and institutional investors, which is deemed to promote the Company’s continued development. Furthermore, the listing also carries a quality stamp for EQL Pharma and our operations.” Schörling further elaborates: "Going through a listing process in parallel with an intensive growth phase has been instructive and exciting, but also extremely demanding at times. I would like to extend special thanks to our CFO, Anna Jönsson, who has held the process together in an excellent way."

About the list change

EQL Pharma’s share will be traded in the Small Cap segment and will retain both its ticker (EQL) and its ISIN code (SE0005497732). In connection with the list change, there will be no offering or issue of new shares.


EQL Pharma is preparing a prospectus in connection with the admission to trading of the shares on Nasdaq Stockholm Main Market. The prospectus is expected to be approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and published on EQL Pharma’s website, www.eqlpharma.com, around 28 June 2024.


Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB is acting as legal advisor to EQL Pharma in connection with the listing.

Press Release 2024-06-12 EQL Pharma AB has been approved for listing on Nasdaq Stockholm